CLEA Rips off Police and Firemen

Over the next few days I will tell you my story of the horrible experience I had with the California Law Enforcement Association.  How they caused financial devastation for me and my family and why they were wrong to do so.  If you have coverage with CLEA as a police officer of fireman you need to read these posts.  Your supplemental disability coverage can and will be cancelled by CLEA, and to add insult to injury they will keep the premiums you paid even when they say you are not eligible for coverage.  They will attempt to lie and add coverage exclusions that simply do not exist in order to deny your claim.
That was me many years ago when I was still a golden boy.

I will be uploading scans of documents and emails sent back and forth between us showing a pattern of behavior on there part to deny my claim for disability insurance.

My denial was NOT because of a dispute about my medical condition, it was a question of whether or not I was eligible for coverage.  I paid into the program for over ten years, but they claimed without notice I had become ineligible for coverage.   However CLEA was happy to continue to accept my premiums knowing I they would deny any claim I submitted.

As police and fire personnel you save and protect lives day in and day out, you need to protect your family with Long Term Disability Insurance that will cover you when  you need it!